Klimaatmodellen versus metingen

Geen categoriejul 06 2011, 16:30
Van klimaatalarmisten, zoals Jim Hansen, Al Gore en alle IPCC/Climategate-wetenschappers (om nog maar te zwijgen van onze 'eigen' RR Kampen), horen we altijd dat de temperatuurstijging alarmerend is. Hierbij worden kwalificaties gebruikt als: 'unequivocal', 'unprecedented', en 'accelerating'.
De metingen vertellen echter een geheel ander verhaal. In plaats van opwarming lijkt het erop dat we in een fase van afkoeling zijn terecht gekomen.
In de afbeelding hierboven worden de alarmistische scenario's van Jim Hansen vergeleken met de werkelijke metingen. 'Icecap' concludeert daaruit:
As can be seen, since 2001 the per century trends have conclusively switched from a global warming direction to a global cooling direction. In addition, the early 2011 temperature anomalies confirm what has actually been taking place since 2001. If the May 2011 10-year trend continues, the global temperature by 2100 will have decreased by -0.67C.
This warming to cooling reversal has happened in the face of “business as usual” increases in atmospheric CO2 levels. And this global temperature phenomenon reversal has occurred despite the “consensus” claims of IPCC “climate scientists” and predictions of the bureaucrats’ climate models. ...
These are the take home facts:
1. Global warming is neither unequivocal, accelerating, or even unprecedented.
2. Global cooling is becoming a trend but it’s not clear whether it’s accelerating and unequivocal.
3. Rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 levels have not caused the requisite acceleration of global temperature increases.
4. CO2 levels appear to have little impact on global temperatures.
5. Global temperatures are in a deceleration mode, totally contrary to IPCC’s climate models.
6. Recent severe weather events (2010 and 2011) are not a result of increasing global temperatures; based on the actual temperature evidence since 2001, recent severe weather would more likely be a result of accelerating cooling.
7. Climate models have been stupendously wrong about global warming and climate change, time after time.
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Meten is weten!
John Maynard Keynes zei eens:
If the facts change, I change my opinion. What do you do, Sir?
En wat zouden de aanhangers van de menselijke broeikashypothese doen?
De honden blaffen en de karavaan trekt verder.
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